CTEVT diploma Operating system 2076 and 2075 question paper

CTEVT diploma  Operating system 2076 and 2075 question paper : 

Here is the Operating system question paper of CTEVT 2076 and 2075 are in this articles. This is the new course of the CTEVT Diploma. Operating system subject is available in fifth semester and This subject give the basic understanding and the feature of the operating system. The main objective of this subject is that:

1. Define operating system.

2. Explain the history and functions of operating system.

3. Describe need and role of operating system.

4. Describe operating system as resource manager and virtual machine.

5. Explain the memory management techniques.

6. Explain the file management techniques.

7. Analyze and compare different scheduling algorithms used by OS.

CTEVT diploma  Operating system 2076 question paper :  

CTEVT diploma  Operating system 2075 question paper : 

Basic information of Operatinf system subject are : 

And there are total five unit and one practical .It is almost 45 hours section And student can perform the following task in the practical section and they are:

1. Install windows or Linux or Ubuntu.

2. Use basic commands (mkdir, touch, ls, pwd, cd, chmod, df, du, dd, adduser, sort, passwd)

3. Use Vi editor4. Configure and administer basic system

5. Explain file and directories (file structure and hierarchy, file permission)

6. Install software (RPM)

7. Manage users

8. Set up Samba, Apache, FTP, DNS, OpenSSH

9. Make programs for scheduling algorithms

10. Make program for Bankers algorithm


And the Unit list is :

Unit 1: Operating System (a)  Introduction: Definition, Functions   b). OS as resource manager, OS as an extended machine   c).  History of OS, Types of OS   d). Introduction to System Call, The Shell, Open source systems.


Unit 2: Process Management a).   Definition of Process, Process Vs Program, Process Model, Process states and transitions, PCB (Process Control Block), Thread Vs Process   b).  Inter Process Communication, Race Condition, Critical Section, Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting (Lock Variables), Peterson’s Solution), Sleep and Wakeup, Semaphore   c).  Process Scheduling, Process Scheduling Goals, Batch System Scheduling (First Come First Served, Shortest Job First), Interactive System Scheduling (Round Robin Scheduling) , Introduction to scheduling in RTS   d). Deadlocks- Introduction, Resource, Pre-emptable and Non-pre-emptable Resources, Deadlock Modeling, Conditions for deadlock, Deadlock Handling strategies (Ostrich Algorithm, Recovering from Deadlock, Prevention from Deadlock)  deadlock modeling,· deadlock avoidance  deadlock detection and· recovery


Unit 3: Memeory Management (a).   Introduction:Memory Manager, Memory Hierarchy   b).  Memory Management in Monoprogramming, Memory Management in Multiprogramming ( Multiprogramming with Fixed Partition and Multiprogramming with Variable Partition), relocation and protection, Coalescing and Compaction   c).  Virtual Memory: Introduction, Paging, Page tables, Page Fault   d).   Page Replacement algorithms: Optimal Page Replacement algorithm, Not Recently Used Page Replacement algorithm, First-In-First-Out algorithm, Clock Page Replacement algorithm   e).  Segmentation, Importance of segmentation, Drawbacks of Segmentation.)


Unit 4: File Management (a).  File Overview : File System, File System Layout, File naming, File Structure, File Types, File Access, File Attributes, File Operations   b).  Directory- Introduction, Directory Systems (Single level, Two level and Hierarchical directory system)   c).  File System Implementation: Contiguous Allocation, Linked List Allocation (using FAT)


Unit 5: I/O Management (  a).  Classification of IO devices, Controllers, Memory Mapped IO vs IO mapped IO, Interrupt IO vs Polled IO, DMA   b).  Goals of IO software, Handling IO (Programmed IO, Interrupt Driven IO, IO using DMA), IO Software Layers (Interrupt Handlers, Device Drivers)   c).  Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling (FCFS, SSTF, SCAN )



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